Things to learn from Plants

 Through generations, the only ancestor of mankindbexist are the greenary  life(plants),they have been a beautiful medium for our daily life lessons. As humans limits their's reach for themselves plants don't set limits for themselves. They grow and possibly they try to expand. It gives the person a lesson, that one should not stop growing and develop after a certain reach of height. We hold our interests, we limit our beliefs it stops and ends our potential slowly. "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right."- said Henry Ford. While, its necessary to know our limits but we should always try to eliminate or let go of our inhibiting thoughts. You worth to blossom !   Humans should learn from the plants struggle for existence. Plants struggles till the last to breathe to continue their existence on this planet. They try to acclimatise to the exposed elements. They dig in its heels by growing thicker roots and trunks. This makes them stand strong...

Digital Detox


Digital Detox

Has your phone addiction got worse in lockdown ?

We've had on our phones the whole pandemic but what's the boundary between helpful and harmful use ?

Did you go into social media and technology addiction, and has it got worse ?


Let's deal with this digital addiction.

The answer is Digital Detox.

Doomscrolling- endlessly scrolling through bad news, anti-national informational spreading, religious, caste and background hurting messages has dangerously tolled on you mentally.

But, we can keep ourselves from doing it.

Let's learn how ?

The damage has been done to your mental health when by reading different news had reached to your mind and you are continuing with your scrolling with the content present in social media.

Humans are naturally curious and love to use social media for different things and what if it has made you addicted and we are officially addicted to social media and technology.

Physical and mental rest is very important thing and we struggle to achieve this. But, seeing social media before going to sleep and then again checking our phone in half a sleep mode has ruined us mentally and is most dangerous. And, I am sure this not your fitness goal.

Quick Survey !!!

How many of you break up your relations and friendship on social media or over phone ?

You may be wondering how this question is relevant with Digital Detox.

Yes, it is important as this shows how sensitive we are and reckless or coward to not face a person and solve our issues.

Breaking up is hard whether its online or offline. But, social media has toxicated people lifes so much that they are afraid to face to face solve or end and so they choose the easier way.

I hope its obvious to you that face to face breakups are not easier but a right thing to do. But, even then yours social media routine will cause irresponsible and unnecessary distress.

digital detox

Time to Log Off !!!

Just try 3 weeks od Digital Detox routine plan with meditation, good food habit and physical exercise  to get rid all the digital and social media unnecessary addiction. 

It's so good for your mental and physical health that your one single missing notification can't break it or distress you.

Social media is good if we choose to do it for good. I have seen these days the people has more toxicated with religious and anti-national messages with all baseless links or informations.

According to 2014 study, smartphones we use at night makes our brain more intolerant, impulsive  and less productive and that will temper your next morning routine.

Time to breakup with your phone !!!

"Check your screen time. Are you doing things offline with atleast a balanced number of hours as you are online ?" 

Think about it !!!

You are so much surrounded by the screens with notification, scrolling, messages all morning and night that no time is left for self-hypnosis and family understanding.

"Digital Detox is the one simple way of solution to all these problems."

Digital detox gives our minds and bodies an opportunity to restore our natural rythms.-                                            says Jennifer Weniger.

It provides you genuine opportunity to feel mentally fresh and physical relaxed.

Digital Detox


Log out to all your social media and Login to good health. 

Thanks & Regards. 

 (Click here to direct yourself to the 'Impact of Social Media on Youth' page)


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